The proprotion of CO2 contributing to the warming is what I suspected. and tried to find out the answer.
CO2 to Global Warming is very much like smoking to lung cancer, we can't conduct a random controled trials to built the causation relationship.
The current CO2 to global warming relation is build up using the same methodology that scientist used for smoking and lung cancer. as known as case control study. (confine the result and compare the factors) the current data indeed shows CO2 a strong factor to global warming.
I also searched on CO2 GHG experiments, but all of the tests do not control the CO2 proportion or equalize the air pressure. we know that the CO2 level in atmosphere is less than 1% (0.041%). would like to know any experiements that precisly control the proportion and air presure and still lead to a significant temperature increase.
I still don't understand that If CO2 is the main cause of GW, then why only the polar region's temperature increase the fastest? or is the polar regions temperature increase is due to ozone depleting?
As for the using of max daily temperature can't show the trending. yes, the daily trend not good for revealing the trending, and I adopted the annue mean and lowess average. And the trending shows obvious warming after 1970s.