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That’s unfair
If Andrew Yang’s free $1000 plan becomes real, it will becomes a disaster, not only because of path dependence, inflation, and reduce labor force in market. And also it is unfair.
As the precondition before discussion of fairness, we must agree that the world itself is unfair.
A joke from P. J. O’Rourke, sorry that I can’t give out the source, but the joke itself invoke me to think more:
I have a 10 years old daughter, she always say: “That is unfair!”. Every time, she says this, I will tell her: “Baby, you are so adorable, it is unfair. You are born in a fairly good family, it is unfair. You are born in America, it is even more unfair. You’d better pray to God and don’t make things fair”
Now we, human beings think that we are able to act like God and make the world a better, fair place. Merely thinking of making the world a fair place is already spur tears from someone’s eye. We overthrow the existing rules and build new system, spend lots of efforts and finally make the world a mess.
Please be respectful to others and nature itself.
A couple years ago(2006), Muhammad Yunus won Nobel Peace Peace price for founding the Grameen Bank , loans are given to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans. After over ten years, if the project is not failure, at least can’t count as…