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Implement a 24x7 Server Power System
Lessen learned in the process of building a 24x7 power system
The Seattle “Bomb Cyclone” made me set up my mind to build up a power system that can sustain temporary power-off or public power grid hiccups. I scratched a plan to build it in this article earlier:
This system has only one goal: let my servers keep running when the public power goes off. It is not a full-gird power system; it is not meant to power the whole house.
After the parts arrived, I built up the first version of the system, which worked well, but the implementation was largely different from the original plan. The overall idea remained the same, but many details were changed.
This article includes the detailed steps and lessons I learned during the process.
Why change the design
I planned to use the MOES Automatic Transfer Switch connected with a 120v inverter and public power grid as the outlet.